So here's my monthly film reviews. Each month I'll post a review about a new one (in theaters now), a recent one, and an older one that stands out to me. Feel free to share your opinion, too!
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button: In a few words it's Epic, Original, and Heartwarming. I wouldn't say its impact is the equivalent to the Titanic when it first came out, (although it's long enough!) but there's no doubt that it will resonate with you at some point, and on some level. In my opinion, almost all crazy-long movies could be 20 min. shorter, but that's just me! Superb acting coupled with insane makeup effects and I'm assuming a great deal of CGI made it worth my $9.50 ticket in Dallas (geez). At least once. I give it an A-
Burn After Reading (spoiler alert): This is a trickier one, because I generally love these clever directors who seem to fearlessly turn their ingenious material into massively appealing moving pictures that reach out and unexpectedly grab you after you hit the seat... So let's say: Unique, Interesting and Quirky. My only real problem (like I'm sure many others had that watched it) was the unsatisfying ending. Yikes. I was interested enough for most of the film to hang on, and watch Brad Pitt dance (awesome, btw). And I felt compelled to watch until the very end to see what happened, but the lack of payoffs and threaded together, mediocre stories left me feeling empty and wanting more. Though the acting was expectantly good, I give it a C+ for originality...? I'll have to think more on this one because I'm having a hard time remembering what I think I thought it was about. :)
Life or Something Like it: This lighthearted movie never could get a big break, although it grossed fine on opening weekend (just not by Hollywood standards, I suppose). I think this is a super-sweet, warm story that was over-looked, perhaps because of critics not liking the ending, the character cliches or bla, bla, bla . The chemistry between Angelina Jolie and Ed Burns is off the charts, and they're insanely easy to watch on screen. Great acting made all the difference in the world with this little ditty. So if you want a lighthearted romantic comedy on a lazy Sunday eve. that you don't want to over-analyze or critique, try this one. :)
Movies I can't wait to see:
Rachel Getting Married
Dog Tags
Revolutionary Road
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Happy Movie watching!
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