This weekend was a blast. Went to Beaumont with some of my team members from Aether Paranormal, and met lots of new people/groups in the paranormal field at the Texas Ghost Show on Saturday!
It was a long 5 hour drive for Beaux, Dug, Shad and myself Friday night from Austin, TX to Beaumont. Sadly it was Dug and Carly's birthday, and we didn't get to all celebrate together.. well, not really. But we'll make up for it this weekend at our wrap party! And we (Paranormal Productions) were able to finish our Aquarena Center (investigation) DVD, just in time for the show!!
We got to our hotel late Friday night, where we met up with local (Goliad) historian and paranormal friend, Bill Corey (from Presidio La Bahia documentary). Then we hazily headed to the bar, and met a few other paranormal folks. One of which is known as the Oprah of psychics, Ericka Eoussarhane. She came up to us at our table and called us 'Hollywood Paranormal.' OK...thanks... I think. :)
She was very friendly, and told us a bit about ourselves that was hard to ignore... especially since we had just met! Shortly after, we found ourselves talking with a guy who practices witchcraft... so the night was interesting, to say the least!
Unwinding from a long trip is never easy. We arrived back in our hotel room around midnight, and crawled into our double beds. We couldn't stop talking and laughing.. I felt like I was thrown into a guys' slumber party!!! We seriously couldn't go to sleep, and as hilarious as everything seemed to be, we had a 7am call time! That meant getting up no later than 6am. Yeah.. it was rough getting to the civic center the following morning. But we did!
We arrived at the show to set up around 7:30am. There were 12 booths, and we occupied one of them. About 20 feet away, were Ghost Lab's, Brad and Katie. Beside them, was Ghost Hunter's ex-bad boy teammate, Brian. They were all really lovely to meet!
Larry, a paranormal investigator, who co-wrote 11:11, The Time Prompt, was one of the first people to walk up to our booth after settling. That was pretty exciting, since it's one of about 12 books I've ever read (I'm not a 'book' reader!!). Putting several online friends' names with faces over the next several hours was pretty freakin' cool, too!
We met so many wonderful souls.. I can't name them all.. but among some were the sweet couple from Ghostology, some of you may be familiar with... Dan LaFave from Graveyard Shift Paranormal Investigations/GSPI, and Don Dennis (Texas Ghost Show coordinator) and his lovely family...
Overall, it was a weekend of talking fun paranormal stuff with good people, drinking rockin' good coffee, and eating delicious ice cream (shhhh).. what more could a gal ask for? :)
Here's our documented video from the trip (just for
fun!). xo Jentri
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