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Saturday, September 24, 2011

How will I get there? How will I do it (all)?

How many times have you been sitting at home, work, or school and been thinking this?

Watching Directors: Life Behind The Camera has got me going again today. It's rejuvenated my film senses. Made me want to give my script a facial. Detox. Refinement. Please excuse the skin care analogies... I'm studying at Aveda to get my esthiology license right now, so my mind has been a split screen lately.

Before I committed to getting this license this year, I struggled with accepting that I could do this and still be a successful (indie) filmmaker. So, I'm happy to report that I've escaped the illusion, and I'm alive! I'm still writing and planning on shooting films, in addition to advancing my beauty field career. :)

Film work is like an invigorating essential oil to my sanity. I look at a beautiful picture on a screen or billboard, and I melt. Much like a clean face or blank canvas, the lighting, the framing, the story behind it - it's all there. It's immediately where I go. But the reality (now) is that I need some other work to feed me. A dependable food source. :) And I deeply enjoy helping people, so it's not torture!! In fact, it's actually wonderful! Not to mention, it's FUN... makeup, skin care... all right up my alley. Duh.

But the questions always remain... How will I get there? How will I do it (all)?

We all have one thousand things we're responsible for WEEKLY. Some of us daily. We take care of animals, kids, bills, school, breakfast/lunch/dinner, grocery shopping, laundry, partners, cleaning, maintaining social lives, (what's that, right?) etc. We're lucky if we take care of ourselves, right?

So my answer right now: By putting one foot in front of the other, and continuing with my life's shot list - one that allows me to experience new adventures so that I can continue to be inspired, and meet my goals that I've put forth intention to receive.

Many times, I've asked myself if I had one thing I couldn't live without, (work wise) what would it be? Repeatedly, the answer is writing. Screenwriting to be exact. I would be VERY SAD to never direct or help produce anything... to experience the whole physical process that invokes the livelihood of the story. But I would be DEVASTATED to never write again. So the answer becomes easier - I don't stop.

What would you be devastated to not do again?

It seems like an easy question to answer, right? So why has it settled so profoundly inside of me? Sometimes the simplest of things are the ones we overlook... the ones we forget to's possible that I won't ever know how I will get there or how I will do it.

Perhaps it's more important to just know that I will, eventually. We will. If we just keep living with intention.

Happy Believing - YOU WILL GET THERE! YOU WILL DO IT (if you don't stop)!!

Love, Jentri