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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Not To Do: Spiritual filmmaking & Investors

After a long night of recovery at the Ridge, (I say recovery because the past few days have been wacky, frustrating ones - damn you planet retrograde!) I awoke to information on spiritual marketing by Joe Vitale (click on link above). He considers himself to be a spiritual person, that knows no one will ever know you exist without marketing! here, here! That's one of the reasons for this blog this morning....

(this blog has moved -- read the rest here!)


  1. It sounds like you're really wrapping your hands around it. Much like you, I also discovered that we can't be just one specialty in Film. We're now "filmmakers" and all that encompasses. We're not just directors, or writers, or producers, or actors, or cinematographers; we have to have a little of each in us. We can't afford otherwise. We have to be responsible with our investor's funds. I look forward to hearing more of your experiences as time goes on.

  2. Thanks, Raz! I look forward to following your experiences as well. :)
