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Monday, July 25, 2011

Born Good (excerpt)

Today, I'm working on our Born Good story that we're filming this fall. When I write, I like to take the title or dialog I've come up with, regarding theme, and use them as 'pushers', so to speak. They push me to stay in the same direction, and not lose focus on what it is I'm trying to say with my characters. The theme can do this for us, too.

Here's an excerpt from our Born Good script, that's helping me achieve this. In addition, I found one from Anne Franke that works for our story, too, so I've posted it below.

Wherever the inspiration is - grab it, and hold on to it until others feel it, too. Happy writing!

"I guess the thing about life is that we’re
all born good… but we never really know
how great we can be… how much we can care…
until we have a reason to."

by Jentri Chancey

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news.
The good news is that you really don't know
How great you can be.
How much you can love
What you can accomplish
What your potential is"
-Anne Frank

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